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pregnancy, and lifestyle education.
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The Importance of Calcium Supplements During Pregnancy
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

The Importance of Postnatal Vitamins for New Mothers
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Maximising Absorption of Iron Supplements During Pregnancy
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Understanding Gut Health: Why Pregnancy Probiotics Matter
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Natal Nutrition: Replenishing Your Body After Birth
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

The Impact of Stress on Preconception and How to Manage It
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

How Prenatal Care Vitamins Can Reduce Fatigue, Weakness and More
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Debunking Common Myths About Pregnancy Vitamins
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Postpartum Diet & Nutrition For Recovery & Body Care
Nourish your body after childbirth with the right postpartum diet. Discover the importance of nutrition for healing, energy, and iron replenishment.

Microbiome & Pregnancy: How can taking probiotics supports your third trimester
Discover the vital role of gut microbiome in pregnancy and infant health. Learn why probiotics matter, especially in the third trimester, and how vaginal microbiome shapes baby's health.

How to Supplement Your Diet for Optimal Health
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Iron Needs and Changes in Pregnancy
Iron is vital for mom & baby during pregnancy! Learn why, how much you need, and when to start supplements to avoid deficiency & anaemia.

How Fitness and Pregnancy Supplements Work Hand in Hand
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Vitamin D and Other Essential Supplements for Pregnancy
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Immune Support During Pregnancy
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Immune Nutrition
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Foetal Brain and Eye Development
Foetal brain & eye development: Learn about the key stages & the importance of DHA for a healthy pregnancy.

Supporting Calcium Needs On A Vegan Diet
You can be vegan and keep your bones strong. Discover plant-based sources of calcium and learn smart food pairing and tricks to maximise calcium absorption.

Calcium Needs During Menopause
Menopause leads to bone loss in women. Learn how much calcium is needed, how to absorb it best, and foods rich in calcium to prevent osteoporosis.

Hydration in Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Guide to Safe Drinks Choices
Are probiotics really beneficial during pregnancy? From what they are to how to choose one: we answer the essential probiotics questions.

Iron in Pregnancy: Importance, Supplements, and Common Questions Answered
Are probiotics really beneficial during pregnancy? From what they are to how to choose one: we answer the essential probiotics questions.

Probiotics – Are They beneficial During Pregnancy? Essential Questions Answered
Are probiotics really beneficial during pregnancy? From what they are to how to choose one: we answer the essential probiotics questions.

Pregnancy Safe & Gorgeously Delicious Chocolate Cheese Cake (Serves 10)
Looking for a pregnancy safe Easter treat? Read on! It’s that time of the year again – when many celebrate Easter – and we are ALL surrounded by chocolaty temptations!...

Why you NEED to be nailing the timing of your pregnancy supplements
So, you’ve found the right prenatal supplement regime for you – you’ve got your pregnancy multi-vitamin, iron, calcium and probiotic. And you’re done, right? Well, not quite! Timing and spacing...

Pregnancy Probiotics – The 3 Key Strains Proven to Support Pregnancy
If you are preparing for pregnancy, you've undoubtedly come across multiple ads for pregnancy probiotics. But what are probiotics? How do they work? Which probiotic strains are most effective?

Perdays Pregnancy eBook
View or download our pregnancy eBook for healthy recipe ideas and information
from Expert Fertility Dietitian & Nutritionist, Stefanie Valakas APD.