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Preventing Pregnancy Problems
Online Workshop

Curious about how you can protect you and your baby from common
pregnancy related problems?

Presented by two leading pregnancy and fertility experts, this workshop
explains how you can optimise your diet and lifestyle in order to help prevent
common pregnancy related struggles.

Expert Guests:

21st November 2022
6.00pm – 6.45pm
Online Via Zoom (Link to be provided)
Stefanie Valakas & Natasha Sidoti

This is a FREE workshop with limited capacity.
100 spots available – RSVP NOW TO SECURE YOUR PLACE.

When: 21st November 2022
Time: 6.00pm – 6.45pm
Where: Online Via Zoom (Link to be provided after registering)
Expert Guests: Stefanie Valakas & Natasha Sidoti
Cost: Free

This is a FREE workshop with limited capacity.
100 spots available – RSVP NOW TO SECURE YOUR PLACE.
Workshop Details

In this workshop our experts dive into three key, important problems that pregnant women or couples can face along the
pregnancy journey and how taking a holistic approach to optimising your diet and lifestyle can impact your overall pregnancy

Mental Health

Strategies to help prevent post-natal depression and anxiety & how this is linked to the state of your gut health.

Baby Development

What are the key things you and your partner can do to ensure healthy baby development and prevent abnormal growth.

Gut Health

Ways to optimise gut health in preconception and pregnancy and prevent or reduce a range of problems like constipation, reflux, bloating, nausea, and vomiting.

Your Experts
Stefanie Valakas

Stefanie is a qualified nutritionist and dietitian and has helped 100’s of women on their journey to fall pregnant through her unique approach to nutrition. Stefanie runs her own practise, The Dietologist and in 2021 she was recognised for her work when she qualified as a finalist in the Dietitian of the Year Awards.

Natasha Sidoti

Natasha is a holistic Naturopath with a passion for the rapidly expanding science on the gut microbiota. She believes this modern science blends well with traditional medicine and applies this philosophy to assist clients establish whole body health, to have a happier healthier pregnancy journey.

Sign up for the workshop here
Sign up for the Workshop Here